Thankful List

I've seen these on a couple of blogs I've read and I thought it was a good idea to do one on mine. I started a new job this month and haven't had much time to update my blog. Now that I am getting used to my new schedule, I can resume life between living...the blog, that is:)

I am thankful for...

-Brian's warm hugs and face which light up my life everyday
-Spending Christmas with my mom and Stan--our laughter
-My thoughtful parent in-laws and family who made this Christmas so
special for us even though we couldn't travel to Michigan this year
-My network of girlfriends who just with their smiles make
my life that much richer
-My new yoga mat, strap and block from Santa
-The new sushi restaurant that opened down the street
-Returning to my Alma mater UCLA to work and the nice
people (including my boss) who I have met
-The sweet phone call from my nieces 
-S.T.O.R.M - my family who although we are scattered across the
states are always together in our love for each other and the
experiences we share
-Me--not in a conceited kind of way but in the way that I am
happy to be here, alive, breathing and awake

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa--at least this is a time to spend with those you love and we are so blessed to have another year of life--another year of time!


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